Facility Integrity Services
Houston Engineering & Marine Services Ltd offers services in these categories:
Corrosion Condition Monitoring
Integrity Data Gathering & Collation
- Pipeline design records
- Pipeline test records
- Pipeline strip maps
- Access to pipeline fault data
- Previous surveys & surveillance
- Aeriel phonographs/ROV data of pipeline route
- Operational pressure records
- Pipeline inspection and maintenance records
- Modification records
To determine the general Risk Assessment of Flowlines, data will be gathered on the following assessments.
- Internal Corrosion
- External Corrosion
- Fatigue
- Stress Corrosion Cracking
- Mechanical Damage
- Loss of Ground Support (for land flowlines)
- Third Party Intervention
Cathodic Protection System
Houston Engineering & Marine Services Ltd is the authorized distributor of Matcor product which is the world leader in cathodic protection systems. Products includes;

Corrosion Control/Coating Campaign
- Polyethylene
- Polypropylene
- Fusion Bonded Epoxies

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
- Immersion Ultrasonic Testing
- Dye Penetrant Testing (DPI)
- Magnetic Particle Inspection
- Eddy Current Testing
- Radiographic Testing
- Digital Radiography
- NDT Auditing Services
Nitrogen Services
- Nitrogen Purging
- Nitrogen Pressure Testing
- Nitrogen Cooling
- Nitrogen Drying
- Nitrogen Foam Inerting
- Nitrogen Gas Lifting
- Nitrogen Pipe Freezing

Underwater Inspection
Houston Engineering, in collaboration with 2G Robotics (Laser manufacturers) (ROV) renders high quality underwater inspection services.
- Laser & Sonar Inspection
- ROV Operations (Saab Seaeye Cougar XT 33, Saab Seaeye Cougar XT 34, Saab Seaeye Falcon & Seabotix LBV 150 SE-5)
- Digital Still & Video
- Diving Services (Visual Inspection, Subsea Structural Cleaning, Pipeline Leak Repair, Riser Repairs, Grit & Cavi Blasting, Hot Work, Decommissioning & Retrievals & Audit).
- Marine Environmental Consultancy
- Marine Environmental Ecology Benthic, Sediment, Chemistry, Microbiology Laboratories & Analysis
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Chart Production & Data Management